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How to delete records?
Students who wish to voluntarily deregister from our university must apply for deregistration in person or their representatives (together with a notarized power of attorney) to the academic Unit (their school) in which they are registered. (CLICK for the Registration Deletion Form voluntarily. ) Registration is deleted in accordance with the decision of the board of directors of the relevant academic unit. The fees and fees paid to the student whose registration has been deleted will not be refunded. The student who leaves in this way will not be re-registered.
Can a student whose registration has not been deleted receive his high school diploma?
The academic unit to which it is affiliated can make a photocopy of its high school diploma with “as the original and give the original to the student, provided that it is kept to itself.
In what cases is the student's registration deleted?
By the decision of the board of directors of the relevant unit, in the following cases, students' relations with the University are terminated and their records are deleted:
    As a result of the disciplinary investigation opened against him, he was sentenced to expulsion from the higher education institution
     Determining that there are students enrolled in two associate degree or two undergraduate programs at the same time, except for open education programs that do not have quota restrictions
    Cancellation of the registration process due to the understanding that the final registration process was not carried out properly or the right to definitive registration was not gained.
In what cases is disciplinary offense taken? What rights are those who receive disciplinary punishment deprived of?
Our students who receive disciplinary punishment cannot benefit from their student rights while they are suspended, the penalty is recorded on the student card and reported to the Higher Education Institution. See Higher Education Institutions Student Disciplinary Regulations“http://www.yok.gov.tr/web/guest/mevzuat” on the ’ website.


 Where and how to apply for registration freeze?

The student notifies the Registrar's Office in writing about the request for registration freeze and its reason. Students' registrations may be frozen for a maximum of one year by the decision of the relevant board of directors, if they have important and justified reasons to document, and this period is added to the maximum education period. CLICK for the Registration Freeze Petition.
When to apply for registration freeze?
Registration freeze applications must be made within one month from the beginning of the semester.
Should I deposit the contribution for the period I deactivated?
No contribution/tuition fee will be charged during the registration freeze period.
Justifiable and valid excuses to freeze registration:
    The student must have health-related excuses documented in a medical report,
    The student had to take a break from his education due to natural disasters, provided that it was documented with a document to be given by the highest civil administrator of the neighborhood
    Documenting that the student has to take a break from his education because there is no one else to care for his mother, father, sibling, spouse or child in case of serious illness
    Documenting that the student cannot continue his education due to economic reasons
    Recruitment of the student by losing his right to postponement or abolishing his postponement,
    Student's detention
    A state of final conviction according to general provisions or a situation other than temporary suspension or expulsion from a higher education institution in accordance with the Higher Education Institutions Student Disciplinary Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 18/8/2012 and numbered 28388,
    The emergence of other reasons that the relevant board of directors will consider justified and valid.
Students whose excuses expire before the end of the registration freeze period granted to them can continue their education by the decision of the unit board of directors starting from the next semester/year if they apply with a petition.


How are adaptation procedures done ? 

How can I be exempt from courses/lessons that I have previously been successful in when I was enrolled in a higher education institution, or from courses I have taken from summer school, private student, farabi, erasmus, etc. exchange programs?

Students who want to be exempt from the courses they study at any higher education institution may be exempt from these courses by the decision of the relevant board of directors, if they apply within the first two weeks of the semester they are enrolled. The relevant board of directors decides which semester the student will be adapted to, taking into account the courses he is exempt from. Units can determine the exemption and adaptation procedures and principles. (14th Article of Kayseri University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Training Regulations. Article 6. Joke)
The student applies to the student affairs center with his transcript. Afterwards, he selects his courses from the group and submits them to the department adaptation commission along with the course contents (approved). After the approval of the department adaptation commission, the adaptation process takes place.
How to Adapt Vertical Transitions?
Admission and adaptation to the undergraduate program of graduates of vocational schools who are successful in the central vertical transfer exam held by ÖSYM are made in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the Continuation of Undergraduate Education of Graduates of Vocational Schools and Open Education Associate Degree Programs published in the Official Gazette dated 19/2/2002 and numbered 24676 and the decisions of the Council of Higher Education. is done. (Article 27 of Kayseri University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Training Regulations. Article)
I am an undergraduate student. Can I get an associate degree or how to adapt to vocational schools?
 (1) Students who have not completed their undergraduate education or who are understood to be unable to complete it and who have passed all the courses of the first two years are given an associate degree upon request. (2) Students who have not completed their undergraduate education or who are understood to be unable to complete it, if they apply, they will be adapted to vocational schools in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation.
(3) Even if they have passed all the courses of the first two years, associate degree diplomas will not be awarded to students who continue their undergraduate education and those who are sentenced to expulsion from a higher education institution in accordance with the relevant legislation.
(4) Those who are dismissed from the undergraduate program by receiving their associate degree must return their associate degree if they wish to continue their education by taking advantage of a legal right granted to them. (31st Article of Kayseri University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Training Regulations. Article)
Foreign language course exemption exam?
For students who pass our programs whose language of instruction is Turkish, the Foreign Language Course Exemption Exam is held on the date specified in the academic calendar. The place and time of the exam are announced to the students. Students who receive a passing grade in this exam are exempt from the common compulsory foreign language course and the grades received are in accordance with Article 19 of Kayseri University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Training Regulations. See the article


What is Horizontal & Vertical Transition ? Under what conditions is the transition made.

How do horizontal transitions occur?

 Horizontal transfers are made within the framework of the provisions of the Regulation on the Principles of Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer and Senate Principles.
Internal horizontal transfer:
A student enrolled at Kayseri University; Can transfer horizontally to diploma programs at the same level within the unit's own structure or within other units within the University, within the quotas and conditions.
Inter-institutional horizontal transfer:
Inter-institutional horizontal transfer is made between equivalent diploma programs at the same level of higher education institutions within the framework of the quotas and conditions published by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK).
Horizontal Transfer with Central Placement Score (Additional Clause 1):
Horizontal Transfer with Central Placement Score for our University Associate and Undergraduate programs (Additional Article
1) is done. The student's central placement score must be equal to or higher than the base score of the diploma program they wish to transfer to.
How can I learn your horizontal transfer quotas, application dates and application conditions in detail?
You can learn from the announcement sections of our University and Department websites.
I am studying at a university for 4 years and I successfully completed the 2nd year. I received a 2-year diploma and Vertical Transfer
Can I apply for the exam (DGS)?
Students who meet the necessary conditions and receive an associate degree while enrolled in the undergraduate program Vertical Transfer
He cannot apply for his exam. Because graduates of Vocational School (2-year) and candidates who can graduate can apply for the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS).
I want to apply for the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS), but I am a senior student. Can I apply even though I cannot complete my internship?
Candidates who will apply for vertical transfer to higher education programs are required to have graduated from vocational schools and open education associate degree programs. To apply, it is necessary to have met the graduation requirements other than internship in the year in which the DGS exam is applied.
I took the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS) once, can I take it again? Is there a time limit?
As long as you have an associate's degree, there is no time limit you can enter.
I am an associate degree 2nd year student. My school has been extended for a semester, can I take the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS) this year?
If you are able to graduate, you can enter.


Frequently asked questions about Student Affairs?

 How can I invest my expenses?

You can deposit your tuition by going to any of Halk Bank branches all over Turkey and saying your 10-digit student number or using Halk Internet Banking or Halk Paramatik.
Which Undergraduate Departments Can Be Transferred to with DGS After Graduating from the Associate Degree Department?
Our students who complete the 2-year associate degree can transfer to 4-year undergraduate departments with DGS (Vertical Transfer Exam).
How is academic achievement GPA calculated? ACADEMIC AVERAGE CALCULATION
There are separate (course credits * achievement coefficient = weighted GPA) for each course. Available for all courses (total course credits and total weighted GPA).
It is calculated as (Total weighted GPA / total course credits = academic average) for all courses.
Important Note: It is calculated excluding courses that are not included in the academic average
 Academic average calculations are ranked according to the density in the system and can take up to a maximum of 48 hours.
 If more than one faculty member teaches a course, which faculty member prepares the course monitoring program?
 In cases where courses are given by more than one faculty member, the relevant unit manager appoints one of the faculty members teaching the course as coordinator in preparing course monitoring programs, conducting joint exams and evaluations, and declaring exam results in accordance with the academic calendar.
 What is the letter success grade and success coefficient into which the success grade of a course is converted?
Exams are measured out of 100 points. Midterm exam and end-of-term exam results of a course are shown with numerical scores. The score (0) of the exams that the student does not take is zero.
    The midterm exam score average is determined by dividing the total points received by the student in the midterm exams by the number of midterm exams held. In this way, the half number to be found is increased to an integer.
  Raw success score; It is calculated by adding 60’% of the semester or year-end exam score and 40’% of the average score of the midterm exams. Fractions are preserved exactly as they are in the calculation of these ratios, but in the calculation of the raw success score, half numbers are completed to integers.
  Raw success grades, depending on the preference made by the units, using one of the relative grade conversion methods whose principles are determined by the Senate or through absolute grade conversion tables determined by the units
 The 4’ system success grades and coefficients used at the university are shown in the table below:
    To be successful in a course, the success grade must be at least CC or higher
 What are the conditions for receiving minor education with a double major?
See: Regulation on the Principles of Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer.
What are the differences and advantages of double major and minor branch?
While a 2nd diploma is issued in a double major, a transcript is prepared in the minor branch, which only shows the difference courses taken.
How can I be exempt from courses/lessons that I have previously been successful in when I was enrolled in a higher education institution, or from courses I have taken from summer school, private student, farabi erasmus, etc. exchange programs?
Students who want to be exempt from the courses they study at any higher education institution may be exempt from these courses by the decision of the relevant board of directors, if they apply within the first two weeks of the semester they are enrolled. The relevant board of directors decides which semester the student will be adapted to, taking into account the courses he is exempt from. Units can determine the exemption and adaptation procedures and principles.
The student applies to the student affairs center with his transcript. Afterwards, the group selects the ten courses and submits them to the department adaptation commission along with the course contents (approved). After the approval of the department adaptation commission, the adaptation process takes place.
Who is a consultant? What does it do?
See: Regulation on the Principles of Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer.
What are the differences and advantages of double major and minor branch?
While a 2nd diploma is issued in a double major, a transcript is prepared in the minor branch, which only shows the difference courses taken.
How can I be exempt from courses/lessons that I have previously been successful in when I was enrolled in a higher education institution, or from courses I have taken from summer school, private student, farabi erasmus, etc. exchange programs?
Students who want to be exempt from the courses they study at any higher education institution may be exempt from these courses by the decision of the relevant board of directors, if they apply within the first two weeks of the semester they are enrolled. The relevant board of directors decides which semester the student will be adapted to, taking into account the courses he is exempt from. Units can determine the exemption and adaptation procedures and principles.
The student applies to the student affairs center with his transcript. Afterwards, the group selects the ten courses and submits them to the department adaptation commission along with the course contents (approved). After the approval of the department adaptation commission, the adaptation process takes place.
Who is a consultant? What does it do?
See: Regulation on the Principles of Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer.
What are the differences and advantages of double major and minor branch?
While a 2nd diploma is issued in a double major, a transcript is prepared in the minor branch, which only shows the difference courses taken.
How can I be exempt from courses/lessons that I have previously been successful in when I was enrolled in a higher education institution, or from courses I have taken from summer school, private student, farabi erasmus, etc. exchange programs?
Students who want to be exempt from the courses they study at any higher education institution may be exempt from these courses by the decision of the relevant board of directors, if they apply within the first two weeks of the semester they are enrolled. The relevant board of directors decides which semester the student will be adapted to, taking into account the courses he is exempt from. Units can determine the exemption and adaptation procedures and principles.
The student applies to the student affairs center with his transcript. Afterwards, the group selects the ten courses and submits them to the department adaptation commission along with the course contents (approved). After the approval of the department adaptation commission, the adaptation process takes place.
Who is a consultant? What does it do?
See: Regulation on the Principles of Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer.
What are the differences and advantages of double major and minor branch?
While a 2nd diploma is issued in a double major, a transcript is prepared in the minor branch, which only shows the difference courses taken.
How can I be exempt from courses/lessons that I have previously been successful in when I was enrolled in a higher education institution, or from courses I have taken from summer school, private student, farabi erasmus, etc. exchange programs?
Students who want to be exempt from the courses they study at any higher education institution may be exempt from these courses by the decision of the relevant board of directors, if they apply within the first two weeks of the semester they are enrolled. The relevant board of directors decides which semester the student will be adapted to, taking into account the courses he is exempt from. Units can determine the exemption and adaptation procedures and principles.
The student applies to the student affairs center with his transcript. Afterwards, the group selects the ten courses and submits them to the department adaptation commission along with the course contents (approved). After the approval of the department adaptation commission, the adaptation process takes place.
Who is a consultant? What does it do?
See: Regulation on the Principles of Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer.
What are the differences and advantages of double major and minor branch?
While a 2nd diploma is issued in a double major, a transcript is prepared in the minor branch, which only shows the difference courses taken.
How can I be exempt from courses/lessons that I have previously been successful in when I was enrolled in a higher education institution, or from courses I have taken from summer school, private student, farabi erasmus, etc. exchange programs?
Students who want to be exempt from the courses they study at any higher education institution may be exempt from these courses by the decision of the relevant board of directors, if they apply within the first two weeks of the semester they are enrolled. The relevant board of directors decides which semester the student will be adapted to, taking into account the courses he is exempt from. Units can determine the exemption and adaptation procedures and principles.
The student applies to the student affairs center with his transcript. Afterwards, the group selects the ten courses and submits them to the department adaptation commission along with the course contents (approved). After the approval of the department adaptation commission, the adaptation process takes place.
Who is a consultant? What does it do?
See: Regulation on the Principles of Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer.
What are the differences and advantages of double major and minor branch?
While a 2nd diploma is issued in a double major, a transcript is prepared in the minor branch, which only shows the difference courses taken.
How can I be exempt from courses/lessons that I have previously been successful in when I was enrolled in a higher education institution, or from courses I have taken from summer school, private student, farabi erasmus, etc. exchange programs?
Students who want to be exempt from the courses they study at any higher education institution may be exempt from these courses by the decision of the relevant board of directors, if they apply within the first two weeks of the semester they are enrolled. The relevant board of directors decides which semester the student will be adapted to, taking into account the courses he is exempt from. Units can determine the exemption and adaptation procedures and principles.
The student applies to the student affairs center with his transcript. Afterwards, the group selects the ten courses and submits them to the department adaptation commission along with the course contents (approved). After the approval of the department adaptation commission, the adaptation process takes place.
Who is a consultant? What does it do?
See: Regulation on the Principles of Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer.
What are the differences and advantages of double major and minor branch?
While a 2nd diploma is issued in a double major, a transcript is prepared in the minor branch, which only shows the difference courses taken.
How can I be exempt from courses/lessons that I have previously been successful in when I was enrolled in a higher education institution, or from courses I have taken from summer school, private student, farabi erasmus, etc. exchange programs?
Students who want to be exempt from the courses they study at any higher education institution may be exempt from these courses by the decision of the relevant board of directors, if they apply within the first two weeks of the semester they are enrolled. The relevant board of directors decides which semester the student will be adapted to, taking into account the courses he is exempt from. Units can determine the exemption and adaptation procedures and principles.
The student applies to the student affairs center with his transcript. Afterwards, the group selects the ten courses and submits them to the department adaptation commission along with the course contents (approved). After the approval of the department adaptation commission, the adaptation process takes place.
Who is a consultant? What does it do?
See: Regulation on the Principles of Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer.
What are the differences and advantages of double major and minor branch?
While a 2nd diploma is issued in a double major, a transcript is prepared in the minor branch, which only shows the difference courses taken.
How can I be exempt from courses/lessons that I have previously been successful in when I was enrolled in a higher education institution, or from courses I have taken from summer school, private student, farabi erasmus, etc. exchange programs?
Students who want to be exempt from the courses they study at any higher education institution may be exempt from these courses by the decision of the relevant board of directors, if they apply within the first two weeks of the semester they are enrolled. The relevant board of directors decides which semester the student will be adapted to, taking into account the courses he is exempt from. Units can determine the exemption and adaptation procedures and principles.
The student applies to the student affairs center with his transcript. Afterwards, the group selects the ten courses and submits them to the department adaptation commission along with the course contents (approved). After the approval of the department adaptation commission, the adaptation process takes place.
Who is a consultant? What does it do?
See: Regulation on the Principles of Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer.
What are the differences and advantages of double major and minor branch?
While a 2nd diploma is issued in a double major, a transcript is prepared in the minor branch, which only shows the difference courses taken.
How can I be exempt from courses/lessons that I have previously been successful in when I was enrolled in a higher education institution, or from courses I have taken from summer school, private student, farabi erasmus, etc. exchange programs?
Students who want to be exempt from the courses they study at any higher education institution may be exempt from these courses by the decision of the relevant board of directors, if they apply within the first two weeks of the semester they are enrolled. The relevant board of directors decides which semester the student will be adapted to, taking into account the courses he is exempt from. Units can determine the exemption and adaptation procedures and principles.
The student applies to the student affairs center with his transcript. Afterwards, the group selects the ten courses and submits them to the department adaptation commission along with the course contents (approved). After the approval of the department adaptation commission, the adaptation process takes place.
Who is a consultant? What does it do?